• Rick Joyner


    MorningStar Ministries

    In April 1995, Rick Joyner established MorningStar Fellowship Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. In the summer of 2004, the ministry purchased 52 acres in Fort Mill, South Carolina, including the former Heritage Grand Hotel built by Jim Bakker. In December 2004, the congregation moved to the Fort Mill location which currently gathers in the large atrium style lobby of the hotel. The church endeavors to be a loving community of believers seeking to fulfill the Ephesians 4:11-16 mandate. Since every member of the body of Christ is called to function, they equip the church to do the work of the ministry. As a result, more than thirty different ministries have been established such as Prophetic Ministry Teams, Men's Minstry, Women's Ministry, Youth and Children's Ministries, Home Groups, and Healing Teams. Each of the various ministries functions regularly and provides many people with opportunities to both participate in and receive ministry. Their services are devoted to sound biblical teaching, personal ministry, and a contemporary style of worship. They believe that the church is called to be a family and not just an organization; therefore, they provide an informal atmosphere to promote genuine relationships with the Lord and with one another.


  • BobJones

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