• Dan & Theresa McArthur


    Vision For Africa

    Dan and Theresa McArthur, missionaries to Zimbabwe, are the founders of Vision for Africa. From early in their childhood, both Dan and Theresa had a strong influence and calling toward missions. At the very young age of 8 years, Theresa experienced an open vision encounter that caused her to know that some day she would go to the continent of Africa as a missionary. Dan also was very strongly impacted by the Lord in his childhood and teen years to give his life in service as a missionary. Years later, after Dan completed his Bible College training and after the birth of the first four of their five children, Dan and Theresa were again led by the Lord to step forward in the calling He had placed on their lives those many years ago. The McArthur’s arrived in Gweru, Zimbabwe with their four children in 1989. Their fifth child was born in Zimbabwe. “Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18)”, has been the cry of their hearts from the very beginning. Upon first arriving on the mission field, Dan and Theresa gave themselves to Bible teaching and discipleship. Then one day a lady from one of the churches they ministered with sat in their living room and exclaimed, “Mr. McArthur, I think the devil has more power than God does.” She had recently lost several family members due to AIDS and her statement reflected her loss as well as the impact that her animistic culture had taught her. The McArthur’s began to cry out to the Lord to release His power amongst His people in Zimbabwe and they set their hearts toward providing a platform for Him to do so. During the years that followed the Lord ‘threw them into the deep end’ so to speak, concerning moving in the power of the Holy Spirit, prophesy and healing. Now, the McArthur’s vision is to see captives set free, prisoners released from darkness, the sick healed and the lost saved through the cross of Jesus Christ. Zimbabwe has been their base of ministry since 1989 but VFA has a heart to reach the nations of central and southern Africa. One of their main ministry focuses is to Pastor Pastors all over Zimbabwe and southern Africa. Dan moves in a true Apostolic calling, with a strong prophetic and teaching gifting. Theresa also moves in the prophetic and has a passion for intercessory prayer and to teach. They minister together at conferences, outreaches, churches and other events. They pray for the sick everywhere they go and see God’s hand of healing and deliverance. They also present seminar teaching including: Hearing the Voice of God Seminar, Leadership Training, Marriage and Family Seminars and more. 

    Their 5 children grew up in Zimbabwe but now all of them are residing in various places in the US and are all married. Dan and Theresa are also the proud grandparents of 7 grandchildren and more on the way.


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